Using CryptApi in C++

I want a simple(Explained) example for using CryptApi to Encrypt/Decrypt Send/Receive Data over networks(signed data)
What do you know so far? How are experienced are you with the C and\or C++ language? How familiar are you with the WinAPI? Networking concepts? Encryption concepts?

You'll want to build this out in pieces. As long as you have the groundwork laid, I would suggest tackling the encryption\decryption part first just because this is the heart of what you are trying to do. Here is a link to something I posted back in February:
Some of the code is commented out to show you what kind of other things you can do. Actual comments are escaped with three backslashes, this sounds weird but I did it this way because Code::Blocks color codes triple backslash lines differently from doubles so they are easier to tell apart from commented out code.

Come back with any questions that you have. By the way, how much do you have written so far?
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