C++ Project.

Hey, I am confused on what exactly I am doing on this project. I am given 3 files; mystring.h, mystring.cpp, and driver.cpp and just asked to implement and test the class. Do I just need to go through and finish the functions in the mystring.cpp file? The webpage is:


It is project 2. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
can you tell me your working enviroment?
and you have some issue to build your project?
yes, your task is completing the rest code when you see "//finish the function implementation" in the member functions and writing entire code when seeing "//WRITE THE ENTIRE FUNCTION IMPLEMENTATION", all of which is placed in the file "mystring.cpp". When you complete, you must uncomment the functions' declaration in the mystring.h file and the testing code in the driver.cpp to compile and run the program correctly.
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