How do I keep my system up to date with latest C++ features (e.g. C++14?)

I've been reading C++ Primer but I'm still fuzzy on the entire implementation of the C++ language. Exactly how I can access features from C++14 and how I can keep my system up to date with the latest revisions.

My IDE is Code::Blocks and my OS is Windows 7 64-bit. If I type in g++ --version in cmd it returns the version as being 4.7.1. As far as I can tell online this supports almost all C++11 features but basically nothing of C++14. As far as I can tell from GCC's main page if I have GCC 5 or above then I'll have most of the C++14 features right? How do I update my latest GCC version to support these features, and update Code::Blocks to provide an interface to enable these features (e.g. have -std=c++14 in the compiler settings)? Or is it MinGW I need to update?
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As far as I can remember from when I did it, remove your version of MinGW, download the MinGW installer, set the version to 5.1.0 (or the newest if there's been another one since then) and install it somewhere (try not to have spaces in the file path). Then go into compiler settings, toolchain executables in codeblocks and set the file paths. Finally go into the compiler flags tab and add one which activates -std=c++14 and deactivates -std=c++11 and the other version flags.
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