Console::WriteLine( S" --in vc++ need help

dear windows, visual c++ 2015 programers:

I tried to copy/test a simple code(first example code in the book) visual by Deitel, on my visual studio 2015 enterprise 32bit , vc++, on my win7
but I get compile errors(I already modify some setting, but it still not work)

Severity Code Description Project File Line

Error C2065 'S': undeclared identifier ASimpleProject1 c:\Users\erli89080\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1test\Welcome.cpp 10

Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error (active) identifier "S" is undefined ASimpleProject1 c:\Users\erli89080\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1test\Welcome.cpp 10

Error C2059 syntax error: 'string' ASimpleProject1 c:\Users\erli89080\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1test\Welcome.cpp 10

Error (active) expected a ')' ASimpleProject1 c:\Users\erli89080\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1test\Welcome.cpp 10
so I checked the web/google search, it look I miss #include <stdafx.h>
so I include its path at project property 's vc++ directory, include directory;
the result, of compile, generate more errors.

please help, eric, thanks a lot in advance

----------original program--------------------
// Fig. 2.16: Welcome.cpp
// Simple welcome program.
//#include <stdafx.h>
#using <mscorlib.dll>

using namespace System;

int main()
Console::WriteLine(S" Welcome to Visual C++ .NET!" );

return 0;
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