c++ using winRT without c++/cx

Hello everyone,

at the moment I try to get access to winRT's geolocation class. This is essencial for me essential, to get GPS data without using serialports. Unfortunately this is not well documented. I'm not a pro c++ developer and more common with c#. I already used c++/cx but because some properties has to be set in the settings which i cannot do from code or with my qt .pro file I have to find an alternative.

I am open for your advices.

Thank you for your time.
C++/CX classes are actually just syntactic sugar that hides away an ugly COM interface. You may access those classes via COM, however it isn't technically "supported."
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Windows Runtime C++ Template Library (WRL)
The Windows Runtime C++ Template Library (WRL) is a template library that provides a low-level way to author and use Windows Runtime components.
Yeah the same problem arise with me can any bdy give brief about it
closed account (z05DSL3A)
I'm not sure I understand your problem/what you are trying to achieve.
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