Error 0xc000007b (solved)

I compile on a windows 7, 64 bit laptop with vs 2015. The program(s) works on my laptop, and my windows 7, 64 bit desktop; it does not work on 2 windows 10 computers and a windows 7 computer owned by my friends.

I am using sfml 2.3.2 with c++, when executing a program that i compiled, the computer throws a windows error "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application" . I have programs that I made also with sfml that do not throw the error, but i still believe the issue to be with my handling of sfml.

looking for any real reason this might happen, or a solution to the issue.
just ask for more information if necessary. thanks for any response.


I apoligize for not trying this sooner, but I tried to use another program without sfml at all

and I received the same error message when executing, I'm still asking for help, it just probably isn't related to sfml.

S G H:
Try compiling in Release mode.(<---- this)
Make sure you gave your friends all of the SFML DLLs.
Last edited on
Try compiling in Release mode.
Make sure you gave your friends all of the SFML DLLs.
@S G H thanks, you are a life saver.
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