c# cannot convert from string to system.datetime

I am writing a Library management systemwindows form app in c#. I wrote a function to issue books and now I am trying to pass parameters to it when the issue button is clicked but I get a converion error for the 3rd and 4 parameter.

<lib.BookIssue(txtAddMemName.Text, txtAddBookName.Text, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), dtpAddReturnD.Value.ToShortDateString());>

dtpAddReturnD is a datetimepicker. Where is my mistake??
This is not a C++ question...

...but you should post the actual error you are getting.
What parameters does lib.BookIssue expect ?
The error I get is
Error CS1503 Argument 3: cannot convert from 'string' to 'System.DateTime' and the same thing for argument 4.

this is what lib.BookIssue expects
BookIssue(string fullName, string bookTitle, DateTime issuedate, DateTime returndate)
Thanks guys, I found my mistake. I was converting the time to short when it wasn't necessary. It was already in DateTime.
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