[SFML]How do you modify cpp files?

I am programming on windows 10 and ran into a performance issue in SFML related to the use of joysticks. The only solution I have been able to find is to comment out a certain section of code. The only issue is that I cannot find the cpp files for SFML. I can find the hpp files and the lib files right in my c:\ directory but not the cpp files. Can somebody please tell me where to find these files?
SFML is a pre compiled library, meaning the hpp files don't have any actual code, and all of the operations are in the library files linking to a separate dll. To modify a code within the library you need to build it from source. Download the SFML source code, modify what you need, and build it, there should be tutorials on how to build SFML from source. I suggest you look into it.

SFML Source Tutorial

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