Barebones 3D programming

Call me crazy, but I want to waste my life making a 3D game in codeblocks with nothing but c++ 11. Any methods? And dont say to use directx, opengl ,sdl, ect. I want to do it with nothing but c++(Including iostream, windows.h, ect)
I want to [make] a 3D game in codeblocks with nothing but c++ 11. Any methods?


With nothing but C++ it is impossible to do any meaningful graphics programming (3D or 2D) -- basically, all you could do is some very basic "ascii art" graphics.

windows.h is not part of any version of C++ -- it's the main header from the Windows SDK. And Direct3D is the (current) Windows way to do 3D graphics.

You can still use the legacy (according to Microsoft) GDI API, which does 2D graphics, to draw your own, basic 3D graphics, but it's not C++, either.


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You're going to need some sort API/library to upload your framebuffer to the GPU, (the console doesn't give pixel-perfect control over it's window) and the simplest way to complete this task is to create a window with SDL, create a texture, and stream your pixel data to the texture to upload it to the screen.
Well I want to make a 3D game, but with text. Imagine a game with blocks, now replace those blocks with symbols on the keyboard
Standard C++ only supports very simple text output, with scrolling. Positioning the cursor, colour, etc requires the of a library or API.

In the Windows case, you could use the Console API as mentioned by freddie1 in another of your threads:
Text console button?


Another possibility is the curses library, which is available for Linux.

In the Windows case, you could use the Console API

Win32Api has graphic support.
The OP said he or she wanted to use text to make her or his game -- I was responding to that question (see post before my preceding post.)

I think he or she is well aware that Windows can also manage graphics!

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