program proxy

I'm trying to write a simple program proxy that, once replaced to some executable file, provides a dump of the process environment (command line arguments, environment and so on), executes the original task and returns its exit code.
The purpose of all this is simply analyzing how a frontend program interfaces its son process. Let's have a frontend.exe that fires sonproc.exe and we build this proxy.exe. We rename sonproc.exe as sonproc.exe~, rename proxy.exe as sonproc.exe and let frontend.exe start its son.
The problem is: how can you execute sonproc.exe~ (with CreateProcessExW) as closely as possible to the father's environment? For instance, is it possible to run sonproc.exe~ using sonproc.exe as argument?
Pause and take a step back. What you're proposing is a very primitive debugger, so what you want is the "Image File Execution Options" key in HKLM.

The "GetStartupInfo()" and "GetEnvironmentStrings()" functions are what you want to call from in your 'debugger' to get all of the environment and startup variables passed in.

- GetStartupInfo:
- GetEnvironmentStrings:
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Good, I'll try it, thanks.
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