How do i login into my comcast xfinity router using c or c++ ?

Is there a way by which I can login into router admin settings using c/c++?
I am thinking to make a program which logs into the router whenever is executed ?

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From what I can tell, the login is via the browser.

If this is the case, the interface is over HTML/HTTP. So you can either do the comms yourself (sockets) or use a library (like boost). And then, there's the HTML request and result parsing.
Step 1: Nmap the target, see here . Use -sO\-sV for a protocol scan to enumerate the services listening on the open ports that it finds.

Step 2A: Choose protocol from those listed that meets your needs. (Chances are that, if it is available, SSH will fit your requirements perfectly.)

Step 2B: If everything is locked down consider flashing your router with with a more amicable OS from this list here: .

Step 3: Design a framework rough sketch for the application you want to write based on the protocol you choose. Look into libraries such as cURL, libssh and Boost::ASIO for support.

Step 4: Let us know how it goes. This seems like an interesting project.
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Here is the comcast xfinity router Guide
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