How do you load an image in wxWidgets

Hello readers, I am learning how to load an image, here is the code:
// Load an image
	wxImage image(wxT("image.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
	// Convert it to a bitmap
	wxBitmap bitmap(image);

it compiles perfectly but when I run it it comes up with:
../../src/msw/cpp(802): assert "image.Ok()" failed in 
CreateFromImage(): invalid image
Do you want to stop this program? You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings

I clicked cancel and it came up with this:
No image handler for type15 defined

I have also tried JPEG images and PNG images but it came up with the same thing.
Please can someone help?
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iirc you have to call wxInitAllImageHandlers at the start of your program.
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