SDL and code::blocks

I think this might be solved now. Used bits from both installation tutorials to get it working...

Having trouble installing SDL onto code blocks...

I've been following LazyFoos tutorial. But no matter where I place SDL.dll I get the same cannot find "SDL/SDL.h" error message. Even put SDL.dll into system32 and still got the error message. TBH I don't really understand step 5 when it says.

"Now take the SDL.dll from the SDL folder you extracted (it should be inside the bin subfolder) and copy it to where you're going to make your project. You're going to put SDL.dll in the same directory as your exe when you compile it."

What exe? The one made after I compile my program? All my programs are saved to a folder on my desktop. I've tried there and also in my C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin folder but neither works...

So I scrapped that and went to the code blocks wiki tutorial

but then at step 5...

"Copy the complete folder SDL from inside the folder include to your compiler's include directory (for example C:\MinGW\include). Be sure to copy the folder, not the individual files."

There is no SDL folder inside the include folder, just a bunch of headers...

I'm also not sure if installing SDL following the wiki way will mean I won't be able to do the rest of Lazy foos tutorial since the installation methods are different.
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