Embedding a console window within a GUI app

Hey Guys,

So basically I want to have a console within a GUI app, so it should have like menus and buttons in the left column of the GUI app for instance and when you press the "run" button for instance it should do something in the console column to the right.

What would be the best way to achieve this? Thanks to anyone who can help

P.S I'm on windows 7 & I'm experienced in writing console apps, but quite clueless with GUI's
Use AllocConsole to display the console, then use WriteConsole to write to it (or see console functions in MSDN for a complete list)
Yes but you see the console wouldn't be painted within the GUI app that way, it would simply be hanging around. So do you know how I could achieve this?
There are a few tricks like get a handle to that console window and move it "inside" your window, but my advice is to use a multiline edit control instead and not bother with console anymore.
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