Unable to Execute C#.Net Window on Windows Xp logon Screen


I kept one button on XP Gina logon screen and am trying to execute an c#.net windows Form exe using that button,when i pressed this button it should show one window form on screen
i used this code

ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, L"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ReadFile.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

where ReadFile.exe is made in c#.net , when i pressed that button then it unable to show that windows form

i tried to execute cmd.exe also but its not showing that cmd windows also

i used system("start C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe"); also but unable to show command window.
i also used CreateProcess() to execute this exe this,
in this exe i write one code to delete one off registry is able to delete that registry but its unable to show that windows form on login screen after pressing that button .

please tell me how can i execute an external exe in XP gina code that code for Gina i download from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163786.aspx here.

please tell me ...... if there are any solution to execute an external exe

as in last forum modoran give me a one reply using CreateProcessAsUser() function i tried with that also but i am still at same place where i was please some tell me how can i do
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