What are some good Win32 reinforcement project ideas?

I taught myself Win32(Charles Petzold's book was great but desperately needs a sixth edition...) and I want to reinforce it into my memory. Does anyone have a suggestion for a project that isn't too big, and helps the person who works on the project to remember how certain Win32 concepts work?

I guess examples of Win32 concepts would be multithreading (using _beginthread() and _endthread() rather than the way defined in C++ 0X), drawing with either GDI or GDI+, and sound.

I don't really want to do a program that I wouldn't make in the real world, because those programs don't really do anything but take up hard drive space.

I'm not good at art, so I don't really want to do anything with graphics I make myself.

I looked for such project suggestions before I decided to ask this. All I could find was puzzles for standard C++. I'm specifically looking for Win32.
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