Adding a manifest to a c++ appltion in c++

I have searched all over the web and have found out how to do this but they all al out dated so is there anyway to add a manifest file to a c++ appltion in mingw.
Now if you would please explain to us what an "appltion" is and why you want to add a manifest file to it (and what "manifest" means in this context)...
Most likely he wants to know how to embed a manifest resource into an windows executable.

The tutorials are not "outdated".
Manifests are only used in VS2005 and VS2008, they're dropped in VS2010 for C++.

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Ya the two last people that replayed are right that is what I want to do. Then how can I add a manifest file to a program that was made in mingw
It's the same with VS. Just write your manifest file. Then in your resource file add
1 24 "mymanifest.xml"

kbw wrote:
Manifests are only used in VS2005 and VS2008, they're dropped in VS2010 for C++.

What? How do you do it now then??
Vs2010 for sure embed a manifest resource into binary executable by default.

Maybe does not support using external manifests as I know it was supported in vc6 old days.
I want to add a manifest file because then the user does not have to right click the program and then run as admin. I want it so that when you Click it it will run as admin on its own. Also how can I add a resource file to my program made in mingw?(c++)
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note i am not using VS i am using mingw
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To add resources to executables compiled with MinGW you could use a graphical resource editor, like ResEdit (free).

To force an executable to run as admin you could use this fragment in a text file:

<trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
            <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker"            uiAccess="false"/>

Change "asInvoker" according to your needs (check MSDN for details).

This is the same procedure as "enabling visual themes" for windows xp or higher. Or you could use Resource Hacker to edit the executable after compiling.
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