advanced concepts in c++

good day every one. pls can anyone help me with resources that i can use to learn advanced topics in c++, such as windows programming, game programming, network and database programming. thanks alot
This website is very good if you want to learn about the basics. (I believe it covers most parts of the C++ language)

After you've grasped everything on this website, you can look up tutorials for various game library and such. E.G.

However, these only give you the tools to accomplish things like you've said above. It still doesn't teach you the proper way of doing things. From here you can either learn by experience, a good book (I’m sure others can recommend many), or you can take formal lessons.

Keep in mind that topics like you have said above can be applied to any language you know as at that level you are mostly learning concepts.

If you have the foundations for it, there are many recorded university courses you can find about computer science(programming) you can find online. E.G
Goto Google and take any of those topics, put C++ in front and tutorial after. i.e. "C++ game programming tutorial". You will get more resources in 1 second than we could list for you in a day...
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