Rich Edit Control / Advanced Edit Control

I've been working on many projects requiring a Rich Edit Control, or even just a Edit Control with Colours.

How can I use a Rich Edit Control in Native C++? I mean, No MFC and No ATL, WINAPI only.
I already know about Message Loops. I just need to know the "main" steps to Set/Get Text/Colour To/From a Rich/Advanced Edit Control.
Google is your friend - there are no end of examples of this on the web.
Start with MSDN
Well, about examples, i only found MFC tutorials and C# tutorials, which I intended to leave alone. About MSDN, i didn't find much of what i needed. I just tought to check over here if someone knew something about it, but I think I will stick to a Custom Window Class, if I'll get it to "work" without MFC and ATL, never tried before, and eventually I'll look into the Rich Edit Control after some more time.
It is hard to find info about non-MFC Rich Edit controls...

But MSDN should help.

Using Rich Edit Controls

When I use it to display multicolored (etc) text, I write RTF to the control.

{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard
This is some {\b bold} text.\par

Really Useful Answer! Thank You, I think I'm done!
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