outputing a vector to screen?

Hello. I am currently trying to output text from a file and output it to the screen.. I am using a vector to store my strings.. I am wondering what functions I could use that would output the vector?

Currently the only function I know that outputs text to the screen is the TextOut() funcion. it uses LPCTSTR.

If there arnt any better functions how might I go about converting the vector to a LPCTSTR?
or maybe a function that dosn't require constant variables?
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You can get a string from a vector of strings like this:

string someString = theVector[3]; // Get the 4th string

You can get a char* from a string like this:

char* p = someString.c_str();

You can (often) pass a char* to textout as the LPCTSTR parameter.
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Concatenate all the strings in the vector into a single string, then use DrawText() to output it. Is that what you are looking for?
I need the strings to be seperate... each element in the vector represents a line in the text file.
I'm not saying you concatenate, then delete the vector. But you can concatenate and output using DrawText() and it will output all lines at once.
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