
i am developing a project in windows for testing tool. in that what i wanna do is i have to create a function in C. i get 3 parameters. one is for nativeclass of the window and second is for caption of the window and third is for button(style). the function should find the window and have to return the handle???? plz help me
Yo do realize there's a FindWindow() function already, right?

There's also one called FindWindowEx() which can drill-down and find children like buttons.
HI...i think it might not work for button style... specifically i wanna find the button style(ex-first i have to find the class of the window, second i have to find the caption of the window and then finally i have to check for style then i have to return the handle of that particular button handle.. so i need to create a function like FindWindow().. so that i need help to develop that function.
FindWindowEx() and GetWindowLongPtr() is all you need.
HI, i have a doubt i used findwindowex to find the child window and i got the handle.. Now the issue is i got the handle of button. that is caption: OK button.. In my window i have two buttons one is RADIOBUTTON and other is PUSHBUTTON but the caption is same that is OK.. i get the handle of RADIOBUTTON but i need PUSHBUTTON handle.. So what to do now... PLZ HELP
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