how would I create a cStatic control in C++?

i would like to know how to write the code from the #include<stdafx.h> beginning to the end in Visual Studio C++ 2008 express of that would create an single win32 GUI application window that will display on the right side a panel of black rectangles with boarders and grey text off(not lit) and warm orange Text when lit(on)?

thank you
i hope someone can help me I'd be grateful...
So basically do you want static text control to change color when have mouse focus ? I do not really understand.
Hi there.
I would like to design a win32 GUI program that will display a black bordered rectangle/s in color with orange text in the middle that will glow when on and display same text in grey when off..

please help me.
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for static controls I think you need to look at this:
I know how to create a Win32 API project in visual C++ 2008 and am a Newbie in C++?

What i'm trying learn is how to create a win32 API Annunciator panel exactly and how to write the code from start--->Finish that will display a black rectangle with text in the middle that glows on and off according to The physical device controller (basically imitate the hardware version)?

now Also I would like to know which book do you recommend I should buy that explains all of this type of design programming in great detail?

Is the Standard C+ Bible by Al stevens a good book that explains all of this?

Thank you
No, any "standard c++ book" is NOT what you want, what you really need is a book about working with windows API.
Would anyone be kind enough to help me out with starting the code for cStatic control a new Win32 project in Visual Studio C++?

and also

What i'm trying to learn is create is an Annunciator panel that will display a black rectangle with text in the middle that glows on and off according to The physical device controller (basically imitate the hardware version)?

I'm only a Newbie in the C++ programming language and really like to program Win32 API stuff. it's awesome.

what I can do is create a new Win32 project in VSC++ 2008 and display a win32 app,but I want to know where I need to place the code that will display what i want and also how to write a complete code for Annunciator panel from start--->Finish.

I hope someone can help me>????
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