.net security warning with clr

Hi, I'm trying to program a messenger add-in, and it works well, but I have many problems with my settings dialog. When I run the dialog straight as an application it works fine, but when I try to include it to the dll, it Shows an ugly security warning and refuses to write to registry. I know that messenger treats add-ins as web programs, but I don't know how to fix this. The form's icon doesn't either show properly. I have tried to strong name the application with public and private keys and add things like [RegistryPermission(SecurityAction::Demand, Write = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\")] to the code, but either the plugin failed to start or show'd that message.

I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium with a limited account + VS C++ 2008 EE with CLR.

Thanks for any help,
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