Program to take input from CSV file and output to HTML text <input> box.


I'm trying to find an elegant language/option/solution to write a program where I can take an input file in CSV format, select the 8th value from the list, and output or "type" that value into an HTML form's input box.

To describe this using my real world example: I have a barcode scanner device that reads input from a barcode and creates/appends to a CSV the info it reads. I need to take the 8th comma-separated-value from that form and input into a text box on any of my websites (client side, not server side), but I need to generically automate this process. So when my user scans the barcode, the info is output into the input text box on the web page they have pulled up. JavaScript is most likely not an option because I don't always own all of the websites, some of them are just search engines where I automate the look-ups. The machines are all running Windows 7.

I'm semi comfortable with C++, Java, JavaScript and JQuery (and PHP and related web languages but I don't think they apply here), I'm mostly just looking for ideas on how I might tackle this elegantly and relatively seamlessly (for the user), I'm not asking and I don't expect anyone to code this up for me. But if you have code snippets to describe the idea, that would be great.

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Is there something like a JavaScript->C++ or JavaScript->Java or PHP->C++/Java script to take programming concepts in one language and translate it to another? I wrote it up in PHP and mostly JavaScript when I realized I needed a solution that works on websites I don't control :)

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