Make the .exe compaitable with mac?

I made a program and people asked me to make it for mac..
Is there a code to write that makes the program compaitable with it?
*im still a noob :) *
You have two options:

1) Get a Mac and compile your program using Xcode. This is actually the easier solution.

2) Get a cross-compiler and produce an executable you can send your Mac friends. Due to the inane amount of difficulty this option entails, it is the totally awesome one -- assuming you make it through with your sanity and a still-functioning compiler.

Either way, you'll need a Linux environment to do it. The MinGW/MSYS and Cygwin systems can, technically, be made to do this, it requires knowledge and skill beyond the extraordinary programmer's.

If you go this route, you might want to check out the M cross environment.

The third option is just to tell your friends to get a PC to run PC programs, like most people.

Sorry for the bad news.
You can also give the source code to one of those people and tell him to compile it.
maeriden wrote:
You can also give the source code to one of those people and tell him to compile it.

Assuming there are no platform-specific API calls, of course.
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