Hi people, C++ for a 11 years old kid.

As the title says, it's good to learn C++ at 11 years old kid? I'm learning Java too, but that doesn't counts here, I think. Or at least, what high-level programming language is good for kids? I know some programming stuff from Python and Visual Basic, and I think that really matters. But, coming back at my question, it's good to learn C++ at 11 years old kid? And what high-level programming language is good for kids?

Edit: I know some stuff from C too. Anyway, this forum is only for C++ or is it for C too?
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As I see you have already chose "programming" as your future.
So YES OF COURSE C++ is good to learn .
C++ and JAVA are the most used languages now and if you want to be a programmer you should learn that , now matter how old you are.
the sooner the better

This forum is not for C language, I have seen people who asked about C and they said don't ask it in here , but By the way if you ask you might get an answer
This forum is not for C language, I have seen people who asked about C and they said don't ask it in here , but By the way if you ask you might get an answer

While it's no longer entirely true that C is a subset of C++, there's still an enormous base that's common to both C and C++, so any C++ programmer here should be able to help with C problems.

However, if you post code that is written in a C-style way, you'll mostly likely get people advising you on how to rewrite it in a way that's more appropriate for C++, rather than in spending time figuring out problems that arise in the stuff that uses C-style constructs. And, of course, many of us will be happy to help you in that transition :)
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