About the Boost C++ Library...

Can it be used with MVC++ 6?
Sure, why not?
I wouldn't be so sure. Older compilers tend to have problems handling the advanced template techniques used by the boost libraries. There used to be a section on boost's webpage listing compiler compatibility, but it has since moved and I don't know where it went.

Search for boost regression test results on the 'net. They used to generate the results on a wide variety of compilers.

My gut instinct is that if you are referring to MSoft Visual C++ 6.0, that that compiler is so old that very few libraries will actually compile and work.
Actually, there's a version that is compatible, but the library I'm interested in (Filesystem, or something like that) isnt fully supported...

Thats why I just got MVC++ 7 a.k.a 2005...
now, anyone knows where to get the SP1? I'm seemingly unable to find a link, even on the microsoft web... I dont doubt its there somewhere, but my ability to understand microsoft pages is for the most part null...
Why don't you just go get VC++ 2008 if you are updating?
Because I had 2005 at hand...
VC++ 2008 is downloadable for free from msoft's website.
So one knows? Or does everyone wants me to get VC++ 2008? ...
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