Transition from Windows to Mac and back...

Hey there,
I use Xcode C++ at home and Turbo C++ (Windows) at school. All the programming I have learnt has been on the Windows Turbo C++ IDE. I was given a project which I have to submit in 5 days. Unfortunately, since my IDE at home is Xcode, there are quite a few errors that cropped up in my project in the first few lines itself. If anyone could please help me with any of the following problems it would be great;y appreciated-

1. No clrscr(); and getch(); due to unavailability of conio.h header.
2. What is the header file required for delay_output(int); ?
3. Why is windows.h header file not available in my Mac?
4. Is there any easy way to cause a delay in output?
5. What does int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) mean? At school, all we used was void main()
6. Does the life of a variable change in Xcode?

a) Is there any Xcode counter part available for- clrscr(); getch(); delay(int);
b) Can I download header files externally? If Yes, From where?

These are some of the doubts, questions and queries. If possible, please help :D
1) conio.h is not a standard header.
2) Not in a standard header.
3) Because your MAC is not a Windows machine. windows.h is specific to Windows.
4) delay functions are platform specific. Unix platforms provide usleep. Windows provides Sleep. Don't know what Mac provides.
5) The arguments to main provide a way to access command line arguments. main should always return an int.
6) No. The life of a variable is determined by your code.
6b) Header files are specific to your compiler/platform.
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