Arduino Uno Rev3 function prototype, declaration, and call not working?, and

so am using an Arduino Uno Rev3, and based on my experience with C++, the coding is basically the same. I have yet to meet differences, however it has been a while since I've used C++. If you have experience with either, state which and what I'm doing wrong! any help would be great! Thanks:
NOTE: the Time.h and TimeAlarms.h libraries are Arduino native libraries (I believe) and info on them can be found on arduino sites and forums.

SO, I am trying to work with the function movementDelay() and it isn't working.

void movementDelay(boolean);


void movementDelay(boolean thirtyMinDelay)
digitalWrite(7,LOW);//turn off the lights of no movement within
//30 minutes.
thirtyMinDelay = false;

the error I am getting is:
PIR.ino: In function 'void loop()':
PIR:26: error: invalid use of void expression
#include <Time.h>
#include <TimeAlarms.h>

void setup()
pinMode(7,OUTPUT);//for output to lights.
void movementDelay(boolean);

void loop()
boolean thirtyMinDelay= false;

//senses whether or not the PIR sensor senses movement. It returns either a 5v signal or nothing, respectively.
boolean senseMovement = digitalRead(12);
//Serial.print("sense Movement");

//read in light signal from photoresistor. value from 0 to 1023 (0 brightest light level and 1023 is almost utter darkness.
if (senseMovement == true /*&& thirtyMinDelay == false*/)
digitalWrite(7,HIGH);//turn the lights on.
thirtyMinDelay = true;
Alarm.timerOnce(60,movementDelay(thirtyMinDelay));//delays shutting off the lights for one minute upon sensing movement.

int lightLevel = analogRead(0);
//Serial.print("light level:");

void movementDelay(boolean thirtyMinDelay)
digitalWrite(7,LOW);//turn off the lights if no movement within
//1 minute.
thirtyMinDelay = false;
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1) Please use code tags when posting code, to make it more readable:

2) You've defined movementDelay() to have no return value (i.e. it's void). But here, you're attempting to use it as if it does have a return value:


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