Bloodshed Dev-C++: Including *.OBJ

In my created project I got "IGEL1.OBJ" which I try to compile together with my main.c without using any of the object's functions.

I have clicked "include in linking" under the project settings for "IGEL1.OBJ" and when trying to compile and run I get

C:\Users\WindowsUser\Documents\C problems\Igel Test\ [Build Error] No rule to make target `IGEL1.o', needed by `"Igel'. Stop.

When I additionally check "Include in compilation" for "IGEL1.OBJ" I get
C:\Users\WindowsUser\Documents\C problems\Igel Test\ [Build Error] [IGEL1.o] Error 255

What can I do to make my project just compile fine and run in Dev-C++?
Create a project and add all the source files to that project.

By the way, the current maintained version is Orwell Dev-C++.
older versions are extremely out of date and shouldn't be used.
I did as you said and now am running v5.6.2.

Though now the project just compiles fine and now gives me a console, I'm still getting a
mingw32-make.exe: *** No rule to make target 'IGEL1.o', needed by '"Igel'. Stop.
with "Include in linking"
and a
C:\Users\WindowsUser\Documents\C problems\Igel Test\ recipe for target 'IGEL1.o' failed
with "Include in linking & compilation".
I'm not clear on what your source files are called. There is "main.c" mentioned above. Is there also a source file named "IGEL1.c"? If so, that is the file you need to add to the project. If not, where does the file "IGEL1.OBJ" come from?
IGEL1.OBJ was included on a CD in a book for learning programming in C / C++. I uploaded the whole folder on under this link!AgYSAZYJ!NvDP0xfm1l52nOfuIocjhQ

All I want is to use the function 'zeichnung()' which is in 'zeichnung.cpp' which needs 'IGEL1.OBJ' linked to the project in main.c / main.cpp.

Update: There is no "IGEL1.c".
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Sorry, I haven't found an answer to this.
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