difference between iostream and cstdio

hi everyone~~~~~~
my question is same like the title ~~~~~~
what is the difference between header file iostream and cstdio??
i have read this page http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/
but still not really understand cstdio~~~~~~

can someone explain briefly to what is cstdio~~~~~
cstdio is the header file that contains all of the old C functions to print stuff and write to files (printf(), fprintf(), fopen(), etc). iostream contains all of the C++ streams to do that same thing (more easily IMO).
oo~~~~ i see~~~~~
then iostream and cstdio is actually the same thing??
just their difference is C++ for iostream and C for cstdio??
am i right??
They aren't the same thing. They are both ways to accomplish the same thing however.
can i ask a question??
is printf() is same as cout ??
is printf() is same as cout ??
printf is bad old C, cout is C++.
When you have both the C and the C++ ways use the C++ one, it is safer
printf uses variadic arguments which don't check the argument type and it can't be overloaded for new types
both are header files used by the C++ complier to perform input and output functions
iostream includes c++ keywords for input and output
cstudio.h includes c keywords(prinf..etc) and as c keywords can be used for c++ compiler so we can use both headers for input and output.....
you can use the keywords of c in c++ but the reverse is not always true......
...that means using C++'s iostream is more easier than using C's cstdio??
It is easier, more flexible and you would get less unexpected results
oo~~~ i see~~~~~~~~

haha~~~~actually i just started to learn C++ about two months ago~~~~~~
just getting some confuse between iostream and cstdio~~~~~~

anyway~~~~thanks Bazzy, ashwani, and firedraco~~~~~~~
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