Big Oh

When you have an alogrithm, I understand with it n and n^2 and so on.But I am confused on when it is log(n). Could someone give me an example.
In a recent court case, a judge cited a city for contempt and ordered a fine 0[$2 for the first day. Each subsequent day, until the city followed the judge's order, the fine was squared (that is, the fine progressed as follow,: $2, $4, $16, $256, $65,536, ... ).
a. what would be the fine on day N? 2^2^n (i understand this)
b. How many days would it take for the fine to reach D dollars (a Big~Oh answer
will do)? (dont not understand this)
O(log(n)) is for algorithms that experience logarithmic growth. Binary search experiences logarithmic growth.

I'm not sure I understand part b myself. Part b is asking for an equation, but it wants an answer in time complexity. It doesn't really make sense.
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