Which platform would be better for a begginer

Hi all. First off, I wanna appologize if I`m not in the right section. I`m facing a problem and I need some of you experience. I started ANSI C++ studies. My problem is what platform would be more suited to this task? I`m a huge fan of linux and I really love my distro, but the problem comes when dealing with debugging. I`ve seen so many people saying gdb doesn`t match to Visual Studio Debugger and it`s years behind. I don`t have the experience regarding C++ coding and debugging under linux so I`m asking you guys what would be the better choice? To switch to Windows platform just for the sake of the VS Debugger? Any constructive debates would be much appreciated!
Best regards!
Websearch with "linux graphical debugger" seems to bring up various possibilities.
That I already know. I was curious if gdb can match the VS Debugger. And if I should go for VS or stick with linux and use gdb.
Most of those "possibilities" appear to be front-ends to gdb that show the user some "fancy GUI" but under the hood do use the gdb for "real work".

There are two layers:
* The UI; how the user interacts with the debugger and how information is presented
* The backend; what information the debugger can generate

On the upper layer plain gdb with no GUI is not directly comparable to the shiny things of VS, but that is why there is selection of graphical front-ends for gdb.

On the lower layer there can be rather challenging use cases, like concurrency, where some backends are more aware than others. Yes, gdb is not the only (free) debugger in GNU/Linux environment, just like GCC is not the only compiler.
I wouldn't switch just for the debugger (actually I wouldn't switch at all, unless stock options are on the table).

I sometimes use eclipse with GDB for my debugging needs and I find it meets all my needs.

When people talk about the VS debugger, they're mostly talking about the UI layer (see Keskiverto above), and I have seen some of the convenience this delivers to the users, but I don't see any overwhelming advantage.

In any case I suspect (don't know for sure, I'm just generally suspicious) that the whole VS thing may land you in the murky waters of Microsoft extensions to C++, so maybe stay with gdb and a front-end like eclipse if you're after ANSI C++.

I don't get any money for plugging eclipse, it's just what I'm familiar with and has served me well over the years.
Thank you verry much for you help guys. I think I`m gonna stick with vim + gdb for the moment. Maybe try out Eclipse or QT Creator for IDE feel. I don`t feel like parting with my linux distro for VS alone. Plus I feel more productive in VIM and i3 environment than in Windows. I just experimented this day trying to acomodate with VS and Windows and it`s not for me. Anyways, I really appreciate your help. Thanks again.
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