Too many files for game?

Ok obviously this is going to be my first game right. It's going to be a text based - rpg. I'm going to begin working on this project as soon as I feel im ready. Now I layed down the foundation of what I might need for this to work. Futhermore, how many files you think any text based rpg game might have.Also all the subjects I might need to learn. These are what I know:
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Object Oriented Programming
Abstract classes
You can use Inductive reasoning to understand the rest of the things I know. Those are just the more advanced stuff I know.
do you have a question?
how many files you think any text based rpg game might have

What kind of files? Source files? Data files?
As far as source files, how many classes is your game going to have?
General rule is one .h and one .cpp file per class plus one for main.cpp.

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AbstractonAnon source files mainly. Yes how many classes will the dang program need.
Yes how many classes will the dang program need
is that not your decision to make?
From an industry standard.... How many files an average rpg game will need. Like header, main, and data files.
Why does it matter? Is there a limit on the number of files you are going to use? It's going to take files as necessary to create the game you want.
The simplest game will need 3 files.
1. The EXE
2. The .dat file with your monster, item and descriptions to make editing and adding stuff easier
3. Your saved game data.

You may also want high scores and other files will come to mind as you start to break things down for simplicity.
Professional Industry guy here. I know games. You'll need several hundreds of thousands of files to make a text based RPG. But you can use inductive reasoning to figure out how much of each kind.
To be honest, the fact that you are asking "How many files will I need to make a game" makes me wonder if you are even ready to make a game.
Because of that, I would greatly recommend you start off with using an RPG maker (or a game engine in general) of some kind, at least for your first one. This will give you a better understanding on what needs to go into even something as simple as a text based RPG.

Or, you can start off with something very very simple. Basically, just one .cpp file with a few nested if's. WARNING: Do not make a full-blown text RPG in this way.

Now, if you were asking "how many TYPES of files will I need," well...I would still question your readiness for a game, but not as much.
> the compiled C++ program
> a variety of external text files where the strings would be stored (It is usually bad habit to store the strings within .cpp files for something like this).
> possible dynamic libraries (in Windows, usually ".dll") name a few.
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