Printing prime numbers

What does count and num does?Why is num inititalized to 3?why is square root of 3 in for loop?


using namespace std;

int main()
int n, status = 1, num = 3, count, c;

cout << "Enter the number of prime numbers to print\n";
cin >> n;

if (n >= 1)
cout << "First " << n << " prime numbers are :-" << endl;
cout << 2 << endl;

for (count = 2; count <= n; )
for (c = 2; c <= (int)sqrt(num); c++)
if (num%c == 0)
status = 0;
if (status != 0)
cout << num << endl;
status = 1;

What does count and num do?

count is the number of primes found.
num is the number that is being tested to determine if it is prime.
Why is num initialized to 3

That is the first prime > 2.
why is square root of 3 in for loop?

A factor of a prime number can't be greater than its square root, so no point in checking values greater than the square root.

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