Int to string

In my game I would like to have a int (the lives the player has) and be able to change this number with my functions and then in each frame display the 'new' number. I haven't worked on the function to change the number yet.

Basically I would like to display the int on screen with SFML: sf::Text lives;

However, that requires the number to be a string. I was wondering how do I convert the int to a string so i can display it?
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A couple of ways to do this:
1) If you want to use C-strings, itoa can be used.

2) You can also do this using stringstream
  stringstream ss;
  ss << num_lives;  // int value
  lives = ss.str();      // assumes sf::Text derives from std::string 

Thank you for your response

I did exactly what you said for number 2 and it worked (with my own variables of course)

Thank you Anon, glad to see your still helping out. Same as a few years ago when before I had my break from coding :)
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