Need help with programming

Hi guys, I have been learning to program for a while, mainly in C++. However, I keep hitting this wall I have no idea how to get through. Since I did not know how to "continue", I started reading other people's small projects a few hundred lines in length on average. However once again, I am hitting the wall. I feel like I need some sort of guideline, someone to point where to go next. I don't have any people I know in real life who does programming, which is why I want one online instead. I have read a lot of posts similar to mine, but unfortunately they weren't much help. I just want some advises on what I am supposed to do, or better someone offering to help me. I'm a teenager, so meeting these people in college/work as suggested isn't an option yet. I have been able to pick a lot up by myself because I learn relatively fast, but lack the direction to go. What I want the most is a friend or mentor, someone who can either learn with me or guide me. If you think you have good advises, commenting them below would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
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Hey, I'm always willing to help out people on a more personal level. Feel free to PM me your skype, it's the communication I prefer when it comes to something like this.

Have you tried doing something like Project Euler, or something similar? IMO this is quite awesome, the problems really makes one think, and will be useful in the future. The problems start out relatively simple and gradually get harder.

Have you had a go at doing things with the Boost library?

Design Patterns are another interesting thing :+)

Just remember there are a lot of people on this forum who have a tremendous amount of knowledge, so don't be afraid to ask :+)
Yes I have looked at project Euler before. As to the boost library, I have seen it mentioned a lot so I have taken a little look at it before, although I have never actually tried using it. Perhaps it's time to do so :P
Well I'd be happy to help you. Whenever you need my assistance then contact me. You can communicate to me through Skype, Email or PM.
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