How to apply what ive learned

I have been attempting to learn c++, but whenever i learn something it messes me up trying to apply what ive learned to a project. I was going to attempt Project Euler, but i felt as if i was a little ahead of myself. What im trying to get at is how or what could i do to try and apply what ive learned into a project. Like some kind of excercises i could try out. If anyone has any project ideas i could use that would be great.
This helped me when I was starting out.
I'm still learning, but basically here is what I'm doing.

I'm writing my own little program as I go along. Think of a small fun project like a text game maybe, I don't know. As you read each chapter, you can follow the examples in the chapter and then, you can apply it to your own program with the small changes that you've learned.

This is kind of how I've been learning, that and commenting what I write really helps.

Edit: Don't forget to do each programming exercise at the end of each chapter too if you're reading from a book!

Also, if you don't understand something don't move on just play around with your code to make sure that you understand what's going on.

Yeah, I've also been looking at that article because many members have recommended it, and that's also a great thing to use as exercises, especially if the ones from the book are boring. I especially really like the learning order.
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