Next step

Hi after anything thx to read my topic

Now i have finished cpulusplus tutorial in c++ and Bucky tutorial but know I cann't do a usefull program I hopefull to go to the next step in c++ to make a good programs any one know where the road (book\tutorial) to learn me more?

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Were you typing what they were typing word for word, or were you making your own little program as you went along with what they were teaching? There's no way you've gained no good info out of what you learned....

If I recall correctly, Bucky is that dude who adds apples and oranges. Surely you weren't sitting there counting how much 5 apples + 3 oranges are along with Bucky..

You should have just made some bullshit text based game while going along with the tutorials.

I see this getting linked a lot and it looks nice:

Good luck.
Thanks for your reply

But now i just have to made some bullshit programs but I see it doesn't add a new knowledge for me but I will do it it"s look easy after that i will reply again

But i see a a c++book (C++ Primer ) should i read it I see it is a 1499 page it should have a something new but it just big take a month make me bored
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Now I am back

I have finished the exercises it took me a long time since I was very busy I hope my school burn I won't be busy@@

use a graphical library such as SFML and make a small game =)

Their documentation is great, and since you mentioned you watch tutorials on youtube, here is one for SFML -

Make something like space invaders for example :)
Thx this seems good but what is the difference between SFMI and winapi?
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