SFML coded in XCode portable in Windows?

2 days ago, my class had a group project. For my group, we were asked to do an application and in the group, I was assigned with developing the graphics. I'm really a super noob so I scour the internet and found SFML(it was the easiest I could find), taught it myself a day ago and coded some interfaces. However, while coding it in xCode, I didn't realize that I have to make it compatible with windows (since my lecturer is using Windows). I know this may sound like a super noob question(I'm still a beginner :() but if I coded the GUIs in xCode, is it portable in Windows? If it is not, what should I do?...

Please help...

Xcode is just the IDE. What matters more is if you use operating system specific headers or functions.
Thankfully, if you are in fact only using the standard library and SFML, your code should be compatible. But your lecturer would have to go through the process of downloading and compiling/linking SFML, but that shouldn't be too bad.

I'm surprised there weren't more stringent requirements
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