Name sorting

After complining my program doesn't display result.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
// functions protoype

void sortSurnameFirst ( string [], string[], size_t );
void displayNames ( string [], string[], size_t );
void sortFirstNames ( string [], string [], size_t );

int main()
int const SIZE = 200;
size_t count = 0;
int choice;

string names[SIZE];
string surnames[SIZE];

ifstream inputFile;
string filename = "names.txt";;


while(count <SIZE && inputFile>>surnames[count] >> names[count])
count ++;


cout << " 1. Sort names by surnames then first names "<<endl;
cout << " 2. Sort names by first names then by surnames "<<endl;
cout<< "Enter your sorting choice " ;
cin >> choice;

if ( choice == 1)
cout<< "The names are sorted by surnames then first names"<<endl;
sortSurnameFirst (surnames, names,count);
displayNames(surnames, names,count);

if ( choice == 2)
cout<< "The names are sorted by first names then surnames"<<endl;
sortSurnameFirst (surnames, names,count);
displayNames(surnames, names,count);


cout << " The following file doesnt exist"<<endl;

return 0;

void sortSurnameFirst ( string surnames[], string names[], size_t size )
bool swap;
string sort ;
string temp;
swap = false;
for ( size_t i =0; i < size ; i++)
if ( surnames[i] > surnames[i++] )
sort = surnames[i];
surnames[i] = surnames[i++];
surnames[i++] = sort ;
swap = true;


if ( surnames[i] == surnames[i++] )
if (names[i] > names[i++] )
temp= names[i];
names[i] = names[i++];
names[i++] = temp ;
sort = surnames[i];
surnames[i] = surnames[i++];
surnames[i++] = sort ;

swap = true;


}while (swap);

void displayNames( string surnames[], string names[], size_t size )

for ( size_t i =0; i < size ; i++)
cout << surnames[i]<<" " << names[i] << endl;

void sortFirstNames ( string surnames[], string names[], size_t size )
bool swap;
string sort1, temp1;
swap = false;

for ( size_t i =0; i < size ; i++)
if ( names[i] >names[i++] )
sort1 = names[i];
names[i] = names[i++];
names[i++] = sort1 ;
swap = true;

if ( names[i] == names[i++] )
if (surnames[i] > surnames[i++] )
temp1 = surnames[i];
surnames[i] = surnames[i++];
surnames[i++] = temp1 ;
sort1 = names[i];
names[i] = names[i++];
names[i++] = sort1 ;
swap = true;


}while (swap);

In sortSurnameFirst(...) / sortFirstNames(...): i++ must only appear in the

for ( size_t i =0; i < size ; i++)

loop header, otherwise the index will go out of bounds and the program crashes.

What you meant to do is certainly (e.g.) names[i] == names[i + 1]

Then the loop should be:

for ( size_t i =0; i < size - 1 ; i++)
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