seemingly simple expression yields embarrassing result. Help!

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pls can anybody help me with why (212-32)/100 as shown below yield 1 instead of 1.8.
  float nfactor;
  nfactor = (212-32)/(100);
You're doing integer division. The result is converted to a float only when the assignment is done. Try this instead:
  nfactor = (212-32)/(100.0);  // Note the decimal place which makes the divisor a double 

You should write your expression like this :
Because if they are integers, there are quotient & remainder. But if they are double (eg: 212.0), none of these things matters anymore.
And you also use a double variable to retrieve the result of the expression, like this :
double a = (212.0-32.0)/(100.0);
Does that help? :)
Thanks a lot. it skipped my mind... a times u just forget those small things...
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