Expanding part of a code.

closed account (G2UR4iN6)
The following code is.
char Encrypt_Monograph(char C, int Key_Uni)


return Alphabet[(Alphabet.find(tolower(C))+Key_Uni)%26];


I need to expand the code and make it longer.
It's an encryption decryption cipher caesar code.
define "expand" and "longer".
closed account (G2UR4iN6)
Making the code longer and not just 7 lines.

Adding more functions/variables/operators if possible.
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Not really, you could test for std::string::npos in the event that someone enters a character that isn't part of the English alphabet and therefore not in your string.
you can always bloat the code. why would you do that?? Are you being paid by some neanderthal that pays you by line of code per hour ? :) Is it going into the next version of windows, perhaps?
(I am just kidding, but with a point: code bloat is bad).

closed account (G2UR4iN6)
jonnin lol I'm not being paid or anything. This is just an assignment by our instructor. The instructor told us that we need to expand the code. I know that making the code shorter is better but IDK what his problem is.
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