Planning on making my own version of DOS

Howdy everyone, I've been dreaming of this for quite sometime. As the title says, I'm trying to write my own DOS, now just the basic run of the mill DOS you'd find in some computer store on the discount rack after Windows 95 came out. I just want to prove to myself that I can do this. Just a bare bones type of OS.
Go for it.
Its a more complex OS than you think, though. You have to figure out the low level stuff to boot, manage memory, interface to the keyboard without your os & driver helping, which means a usb manager on modern pc, disk I/O and either formatting it yourself or using the existing format (theres quite a bit to NTFS), and more to even get to the point of allowing a user to enter commands. Even a small OS has a lot of stuff. Its doable, Linus proved that, but its not trivial at all. A dos emulator isn't so bad -- you can borrow the uglys from the OS it runs under.
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