c++ on macbook air

Can anyone pls help me on how i can use my macbook air for compiling and excecuting c++ programs. Im a complete begingner in programming.

Install Xcode and CommandLineTools. Type clang -v in Terminal and see if you already have clang installed.
Thanks, but Xcode is only available to macbook pro OS and its not available for macbook air OS. any other way to help out pls?
I have a macbook air 2015 model and I can install Xcode. Go to the appstore to download it. It's around 9-10 GB.
Xcode can’t be installed on “Macintosh HD” because OS X version 10.12 or later is required.
That is the error message i get from app store when i try to download it. mine is also 2015 macbook air
First upgrade the operating system, and then install XCode perhaps?
I'm running MacOS Sierra 10.12.4 (I haven't updated my OS in a while). If you have the 2015 model you should also have MacOS Sierra installed. As JLBorges said, try to download the software updates for your Macbook Air to the latest version. I usually just update it from the Appstore.
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