You want to rate a mobile phone, according to the following conditions:

You want to rate a mobile phone, according to the following conditions:
(i) Price should be less than 1500 AED.
(ii) Screen size should be at least 4 inches
(iii) Weight should be less than 200 gms.
Your ratings are as follows:
5 stars, if all the conditions above are met.
4 stars, if condition (i) and (ii) are met only
3 stars, if condition (ii) and (iii) are met only
2 stars, if condition (i) and (iii) are met only
0 stars, if none of the conditions above are met.

Input the price (int), screen size (double) and weight (int). Output the stars as per the above criteria.

This is the the correct code after fixing the errors.

using namespace std;
int main()
int price, weight, stars, result;
double size;

cout<<"Enter the price: ";
cout<<"Enter the screen size: ";
cout<<"Enter the weight: ";

if ( price <= 1500 && size > 4 && weight<200)
cout<<"5 stars"<<endl;

else if ( price <=1500 && size >4 )
cout<<"4 stars"<<endl;

else if ( size > 4 && weight<200)
cout<<"3 stars"<<endl;

else if ( price <= 1500 && weight < 200)
cout<<"2 stars"<<endl;

cout<<"0 stars"<<endl;

return 0;
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<= is less than or equal, =< is an error.

>= as well. in general the = is always last for both comparisons and combined assignments
x += 3; // same as x = x+3, but here again, the =+ is an error.

you may want an endl on the 0 stars just for consistency.
you could use * symbol for stars if you wanted to be fancy.

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oops i didnt notice that! thankyou so much i appreciate it.
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