colors in the column

how can i fill colors inside the column? Like "Personality", inside the 'P' has color.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
cout<<" ______ _ _ _______ _______ _ _ "<<endl;
cout<<" (_____ \\ | |(_) _ (_______) _ (_______) | | | | "<<endl;
cout<<" _____) )____ ____ ___ ___ ____ _____| | _ _| |_ _ _ _ _____ ___ _| |_ _ _ _ ___ __| |_ _| | _____ "<<endl;
cout<<" | ____/ ___ |/ ___)___)/ _ \\| _ \\(____ | || (_ _) | | | | | ___ |/___|_ _) | ||_|| |/ _ \\ / _ | | | | || ___ |"<<endl;
cout<<" | | | ____| | |___ | |_| | | | / ___ | || | | |_| |_| | | | ____|___ | | |_ | | | | |_| ( (_| | |_| | || ____|"<<endl;
cout<<" |_| |_____)_| (___/ \\___/|_| |_\\_____|\\_)_| \\__)\\__ | |_|_____|___/ \\__) |_| |_|\\___/ \\____|____/ \\_)_____)"<<endl;
cout<<" (____/ "<<endl;
return 0;
There are no standard C++ facilities for doing this.

There are non-standard ways; for example see:
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