I want an answer..

If I ask you " Why taking C++ is better choice instead of Java? " what will be your answer?

It is to inform you that I am a student of Computer Science & Engineering and I have learnt C and C++ languages. Currently I'm going to learn Java .
It's not a better choice. Some times it's a worse choice.

Choose a language based on the needs and constraints of the situation, circumstances and problem. Sometimes C++ is the right answer. Sometimes Java is. Sometimes Python is. Sometimes R. Sometimes Objective-C.

For some situations, some circumstances, some problems, C++ is a better choice that Java. Learning C++ so that in those { situations, circumstances, problems } you can use the more appropriate language is a sensible thing to do, if you think you're going to be in those { situations, circumstances, problems } in the future.

C++ is a tool. Java is a tool. Neither is "better"; there is only a better tool for a particular job.
Thanks. But I heard that the future of Java is not good. Is this even true?
Life hack: When Polling People,
 1 Choose a username that invites confidence in the pollster
 2 Don't demand anything
 3 Choose the proper venue (http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/)

I'd say that Repeater is an awesome dude to have overlooked these things and given you a perfect answer anyway...
Is the future of Java not good? Let me google that for you...


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