Error LNK2001

Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "private: static class std::list<long,class std::allocator<long> > PersonalIdArchive::personalIdArchive" (?personalIdArchive@PersonalIdArchive@@0V?$list@JV?$allocator@J@std@@@std@@A)

I've been given a school assignment and a part of it is creating a Person class, derived classes Male and Female(the objects should contain a personalid, first name, last name, gender and date), as well as a PersonalIdArchive class which stores id of every object of Male,Female. The archive class shouldn't generate objects so i put the constructor in private, i also put 'static' for all fields and methods. I get the above error and i did some research on it but i have no idea how to fix it.I guess my take on the archive class might be a complete failure but i hope someone can help. Here's the code so far(I removed some parts of the code that are not relevant to the problem):

#include "Person.h"
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class PersonalIdArchive {
//these methods were given in the assignment:
static void addRecord(long id);
static list <long>getRecords();
static long nextId();
static bool containsId(long id);

//these fields were given in the assignment, however, i don't know if personalIdArchive should be a list, i assumed it should because of the getReords() method
static long nextPersonalId;
static list <long> personalIdArchive;
PersonalIdArchive(const PersonalIdArchive &id);

#include "PersonalIdArchive.h"

PersonalIdArchive::PersonalIdArchive(const PersonalIdArchive &id) {

long PersonalIdArchive::nextPersonalId = 1;

void PersonalIdArchive::addRecord(long id) {
//exception////////////////////// i will add this myself
// }
if (PersonalIdArchive::nextPersonalId == id) PersonalIdArchive::nextPersonalId++;

list<long> PersonalIdArchive::getRecords() {
return PersonalIdArchive::personalIdArchive;

long PersonalIdArchive::nextId() {
return PersonalIdArchive::nextPersonalId;

bool PersonalIdArchive::containsId(long id) {
bool containsid = false;
for (list<long>::iterator it = PersonalIdArchive::personalIdArchive.begin(); it != PersonalIdArchive::personalIdArchive.end(); ++it) {
if (id == *it) {
containsid = true;
return containsid;
return containsid;

// and this is the Person class, which needs to call the PersonalIdArchive

#ifndef _PERSON_H_
#define _PERSON_H_
#include "Date.h"// not relevant to the problem
#include "PersonalIdArchive.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Person {
Person(string first, string last, Date date, long id);
virtual char gender() = 0;
friend class PersonalIdArchive;//not sure if this should even be here, it wasn't mentioned in the assignment
long personalId;


class Male : public Person {
Male(string first, string last, Date date, long id);

class Female : public Person {
Female(string first, string last, Date date, long id);


#include "Person.h"

Person::Person(string first, string last, Date d, long id) : dateOfBirth(d){
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
dateOfBirth = d;
personalId = id;
bool contains = PersonalIdArchive::containsId(id);
if (contains) {
this->personalId = PersonalIdArchive::nextId();
else {


Male::Male(string first, string last, Date date, long id) :Person(first, last, date, id) {


Female::Female(string first, string last, Date date, long id) : Person(first, last, date, id) {


You need to put the static variable personalIdArchive into the .cpp file like you did with nextPersonalId. Actually any static variable needs it representation in the .cpp.
Thank you so much! I am so grateful that you actually took your time to go through my code :D
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