client defined enums


I'm writing a library, which will allow clients/users to interact with an object E. E has different properties but one of the member variables stores an enum. I have defined a list of enums which the client can set the variable as but I'd like the user to be able to define their own enums.

Is this possible?


it depends :)

now, if you had some magic class called "properties"
and that lived inside another class called "OOO"
you might have something cool like this
class OOO
vector <properties> ps; //and accessor functions and something that fills it in and stuff like that, right?

the the client can have his own enum…
lets call some functions I didn't write above with names that let you guess what they do:

enum myenum{a,b,c,d, enum_max};
OOO var;
var[a].setproperty(value); //overload the [] operator maybe? to access the vector directly, or whatever design...

is this along the lines of something you meant?

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